Voco Calcicur Syringe

Rs2,799.00Rs2,850.00 (-2%)

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  • Ready-to-use
  • Contains 45% calcium hydroxide
  • Antimicrobial effect through high pH-value (over 12.5)
  • Effective protection of the pulp
  • Radiopaque
  • Suitable under all lining and filling materials
  • Promotes the formation of tertiary dentine

Voco Calcicur Syringe

Ready-to-use radiopaque water-based calcium hydroxide paste



Indications :-

  • Direct capping when the pulp is opended or a pulpotomy is performed
  • Indirect capping for the treatment of caries profunda
  • Lining of cavities to prevent exposure to acid media when using cements
  • For temporary filling of root canals

Precaution :-

  • Improper storage can cause drying out or separating of the paste. Calcium hydroxide is caustic to skin and mucous membranes.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes! In the event of accidental contact, rinse thoroughly with water and seek medical advice if necessary.
  • Those areas of the hard tooth substance which will be adhesively bonded to dental materials must not to be treated with calcium hydroxide.
  • Do not apply Calcicur in thick layers or as a permanent filling or luting material.

Features :-

  • Ready-to-use
  • Contains 45% calcium hydroxide
  • Antimicrobial effect through high pH-value (over 12.5)
  • Effective protection of the pulp
  • Radiopaque
  • Suitable under all lining and filling materials
  • Promotes the formation of tertiary dentine

Key Specifications :-

  • Store at temperatures of 15 °C to 23 °C

Packaging :-

  • 1 x 2.5g Refill

Direction to Use :-

  • Clean and dry the cavity before applying Calcicur paste in thin layers until the desired thickness is reached.
  • Allow each layer to dry briefly or dry carefully with an air syringe.
  • Do not apply paste to the cavity margins and remove any material adhering to them. Then place lining and filling.
  • For root canal fillings, first prepare and clean the root canal (e.g. hydrogen peroxide 3 % and sodium hypochlorite solution) and then insert paste into the root canal with the enclosed application cannula or with a Lentulo.
  • Then move the paste towards the tip of the root using the Lentulo. Take care to avoid trapping air or pushing the material beyond the apex, then place the filling.
  • Checking the temporary root canal filling by x-ray is recommended.
  • Renew the temporary root canal filling after extended retention time (more than 6 – 8 months).
  • Temporary filling of the root canal with Calcicur can be carried out either before or after complete root maturation.

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